Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Israeli expert: Iran could have bomb in 4-6 months

JERUSALEM (AP) ? A former chief of Israeli military intelligence says Iran could develop a nuclear weapon within the next four to six months.

Amos Yadlin says Iran already has all the necessary components needed to build a nuclear bomb. He says from the moment it decides to do so, it could complete the task between four to six months.

Yadlin made the assessment Monday at a news conference announcing the strategic outlook of Tel Aviv's Institute of National Security Studies, which Yadlin heads.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Iran could pass the threshold Israel could no longer tolerate by this spring or summer.

Israel has repeatedly hinted it might act militarily to stop Iran's nuclear program if needed. It says Iran's nuclear program is aimed at weapons development. Iran denies that.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israeli-expert-iran-could-bomb-4-6-months-203412744.html

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