Thursday, July 25, 2013

London & Berlin - It's Time For The TechCrunch PitchOff For #DisruptEurope

London and Berlin, prepare yourself for a visit from TechCrunch at the TC Meetup + PitchOff events next week. We?ll be hitting Europe to see what it?s made of and to make sure you all know about TechCrunch Disrupt Europe. There will be great networking opportunities, and a battle to the death to see which entrepreneurs can dazzle and excite in under 60 seconds. This will be the (please now imagine a pre-wrestling voice) ULTIMATE TECH CITY STARTUP FACE-OFF!

PitchOff details:


Office hours details

  • Office Hours are for companies selected for the Pitch-off, these 15 minute 1 on 1 talks will be held on the day of the event. ?We?ll hear about your company, give feedback, and talk about the best pitch strategy for the 60-second rapid-fire competition. More information on Office Hours will follow in a post on TechCrunch.

Pitch-off winners

  • We will have 3 judges who will decide on the winners of the PitchOff. ?First place will receive a table in Startup Alley at the upcoming TechCrunch Disrupt Europe in Berlin. ?Second Place will receive 2 tickets to the upcoming TechCrunch Disrupt. ?Third Place will receive 1 ticket?to the upcoming TechCrunch Disrupt.

Venue in London

  • Ground Floor ? CAMPUS LONDON, 4-5 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX
  • Event runs from 3 p.m. ? 5:30 p.m. on Monday July 29th, 2013
  • We will de-camp to a local bar afterwards, sponsors welcome to support (email


Venue in Berlin

  • The Factory ? Rheinsberger Stra?e 76/77, Berlin, Germany
  • Event runs from 7 p.m. ? 9 p.m. August 2nd, 2013

Questions about the events? Please contact:?

How To Become A Sponsor

  • For more information on sponsorship packages and to discuss becoming a sponsor, please contact?

And whether you?re an investor, entrepreneur, dreamer or tech enthusiast, we want to see you at the event, so we can give you free beer and hear your thoughts. Come one, come all.

Your city isn?t here? We?ll be planning more to come.



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