Sunday, July 21, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S III that injured 18 year old girl, exploded due to third party battery

1. RORYREVOLUTION posted on 4 hours ago 14

I figured it was a third party battery/charger. It's not worth the risk to save a few bucks.

5. protozeloz posted on 4 hours ago 2

But maybe she bought it without knowing, honestly not everyone is a battery geek, is she bought it on eBay or Amazon maybe she was not aware of what she was buying

6. Nathan_ingx posted on 4 hours ago 4

I can hear a huge sigh of relief from Sammy fans...
But isn't it a funny thing for her to do making the story public when she knows they'll probably find out there's a third party battery tucked inside that resulted in the explosion.

9. TheLolGuy posted on 4 hours ago 9

Honestly it's always 3rd party components that cause things. Not just Samsung, but many other manufacturers... Sometimes there's extreme heat that may warp some plastic, or for bigger batteries not found in mobile devices, a little smoke. But a damn explosion?! Only China-made basement science fair lab kits could do something like that.

I know some of Apple and Sony laptops in the past had some trouble with their batteries. Journalist sensationalism called it 'catching fire' but in reality it was just extreme heat and maybe a little smoke and charring. Not an actual flame to be seen anywhere, let alone an -explosion-.

27. Wiki_jaan posted on 16 min ago 0

and i thought she also put it in a microwave or Owen to bake new 4.2.2 update

29. Raymond_htc posted on 3 min ago 0

Get back to your kitchen and make me an ice cream sandwich for my desire HD young lady!

2. Jeradiah3 posted on 4 hours ago 0

I agree. she should have bought the PowerSkin if she wanted more battery life. I bought it for my Inspire and i had no problems with it

3. kozza3 posted on 4 hours ago 7


4. posted on 4 hours ago 3

don't mess with samsung bitch

7. ajac09 posted on 4 hours ago 3

goes to show you buy manufacture or be prepared though I've never had any issues with 3rd party accessories.

8. RORYREVOLUTION posted on 4 hours ago 3

You might not have, not everyone will. Not every 3rd party charger/battery will explode, but there IS a risk that it will. If a product is not designed to be used with something, there is always a chance.

11. ajac09 posted on 4 hours ago 0

heck on my note 1 the battery swelled up so fat I thought it was going to and it was a Samsung original

12. Shatter posted on 4 hours ago 2

Its extremely low but everything produced has a small amount of defects.

10. davenycept posted on 4 hours ago 2

Does anyone know which 3 party battery it was? Ive been contemplating buying one of those huge zero lemon batteries(7000 mah) for my s4 but if there's a higher risk of exploding then of course I?wouldn't.. please someone let me know.. thanks

23. cheeseycheeser posted on 54 min ago 0

I'd like to know too! I own a ZeroLemon for my GS3 and like it a lot, but this is disconcerting.

13. Tsepz_GP posted on 4 hours ago 4

This is why I stick to OEMs products or products authorized by that OEM. The GS3 has a 3000mAh battery pack with a back cover and the has a NFC chip, why couldn't she get that? I understand she isn't an enthusiast but geez at least do some research when before buying.

17. mas11 posted on 3 hours ago 2

Most people are too lazy to research phones. They just buy the iPhone because all their friends have one and they want to fit in.

14. roldefol posted on 3 hours ago 1

So much for user replaceable batteries being a huuuuge selling point for Samsung. Yeah, I use a 3rd party battery, but only because a faulty phone burned out the factory battery. Replaced the phone under warranty, and if it were a non removable battery, I would've gotten that replaced as well.

15. umadden posted on 3 hours ago 8

you just went full retard

20. roldefol posted on 2 hours ago 0

Not precisely sure how, but I'll accept it :)

18. jroc74 posted on 2 hours ago 1

I use Seidio and never had a problem. But yea....OEM is the way to go. Gotta be careful with 3rd party chargers and batteries.

19. SonyPS4 posted on 2 hours ago 1

Thats why I always avoid accessories made by 3rd party manufacturer.

22. cheetah2k posted on 1 hour ago 0

Only with beer goggles on

24. wendygarett posted on 38 min ago 0

And they say removable battery is a must, pftt...

25. pyradark posted on 32 min ago 1

see!! removable battery is not a great idea! not all people can purchase original battery

26. wendygarett posted on 26 min ago 0

In developed countries, lots of unethical seller (especially China) will swap off the original battery and replace their own cheap one...
That way they will able to sell original with even higher profit...

28. Raymond_htc posted on 7 min ago 0

Well probably she's just desperate for a larger battery capacity for her Sammy. So probably any 2800+ MAH "compatible" with her s3 will be good enough. When someone's desperate, I don't think they would consider much...

30. scsa852k posted on 1 min ago 0

She won't have that look on her stupid face by now.

Samsung Galaxy S III that injured 18 year old girl, exploded due to third party battery


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